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September 01, 2018

Vision & Hearing:

From the DSHS website:

Who must be screened and when:

4-years-old by September 1st
Any other first-time entrants
(4 years* through 12th grade) must be screened within 120 days of admission

1st-, 3rd-, 5th-
and 7th-graders must be screened anytime within the school year
(preferably within first semester)

Spinal Screening:

From the DSHS website:

 (a) Spinal screening is required, for all children in grades six and nine who attend public and private schools, to detect abnormal spinal curvature.  Spinal screening, conducted under this subchapter by a person who is not a licensed professional, as the term is defined in this subchapter, must be conducted following the national standards for screening set by the AAOS currently found at, as they apply to allowable method of screening and age of screening, with the following exceptions.